As the year comes to a close, Lord God, help us people to reflect on the year we have spent and how we have been effective or ineffective disciples of yours.
Help us to remember the ways we have hurt and sinned against others.
Lord, forgive us, and help those others to forgive us.
Help us to remember ways in which we have harmed other parts of your creation.
Lord, forgive us, and help us to find ways to repair the ways we have harmed the earth.
Help us to remember the ways we have sinned against you and not put you first in our lives.
Lord, forgive us, and help us to learn how to put you first.
But, Great God, we have not been only poor stewards of your love, but we have also had moments in which we have been the kind of people you want us to be.
Help us to remember the ways we were effective in spreading your love.
Help us to remember the ways in which we loved others and loved your creation.
Help us to remember times that we thought of you and your plan for us in choosing our actions.
Let us celebrate our successes even as we mourn our failures, and let us look to the new year with hope and expectation to be fully your children.