Friday, April 29, 2011

April 30, 2011

Love is so often spoken about in our society, Lord,
But it is not very often lived through our actions.
Grant that we may be motivated not by greed or selfish desires,
But by love.
Lord, you are the source of all goodness and the source of all love.
Rain love on us so freely
That we have no opportunity to be bathed in anything else.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 29, 2011

Let me sing to you, O God, because you are faithful.
You have broken the bars of death,
And you have offered us the chance to taste paradise.
And that offer never expires
We never run out of days to sing to you,
We never run out of praises to give to you.
And we live peacefully with you there all the days of our lives.
Lord God, since we will share eternity singing your praises,
I want to start right now, singing to you
And about you for the world to know
The joy I have found.


April 28, 2011

Hear our prayers, O God,
For your love for your people
Has no equal in the universe.
Look upon your servants and see how they hurt.
See their pain, and ease it.
Every person on this globe suffers with something.
When we look at others, we so often fail to see their pain,
Sometimes for lack of trying,
But just as often because our own griefs deny us clear vision.
But you, O Lord, have perfect vision
That sees into the hearts of humans
And understands their every woe.
Comfort them.
Comfort us.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 27, 2011

Let your mercy flow like rivers.
Let it soak the land.
Let your grace rain down waters of redemption
To this barren ground on which we live
That love would grow and bloom
As beautiful buds bloom in the spring.
And fill the air with the sweet fragrances of compassion.

Monday, April 25, 2011

April 26, 2011

When will humans learn?
When will we stop hating?
When will we stop judging others?
When will we realize that it is not a righteous prayer to wish others harm?
When will we get it?
Lord, you sent your own Son
To testify to the power of love.
But the power of this world is soaked in blood.
The power of this world is not the power of overcoming evil,
It is the power of seeing who has the capacity to do more evil to others.
That is usually the victor in strife on earth.
Lord God, let your kindom come to earth as it already is in heaven,
That we might learn to love
Learn to heal
Learn to teach and guide
Or be taught and guided,
So that your children can live in harmony.

April 25, 2011

Walk with me, this day, Lord.
Some days my steps are uncertain.
I need your strength to guide me.
Some days my steps are too quick,
And I get ahead of myself.
I need your willful resistance so I can reach the goal at the right time.
Sometimes my steps take me off course,
Veering into places that I do not belong, and where you do not want me to go.
I need your corrective hand to steer me on the right path.
Above all, Lord God, I need you to walk with me
So that I can take the steps you would have me take.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

April 24, 2011

All our possessions,
What are they in the infinity of the universe?
Even our selves,
What are individuals in light of all the massive vastness of the cosmos?
How can we be what you have called us to be, people of substance,
Except by simply giving away the little we have.
Many may be remembered for their great wealth,
But few will be remembered better
Than for the wealth great or small
That they were willing to give away
For love of others.
May we be ones who give in love.

Friday, April 22, 2011

April 23, 2011

Lord, we live in a restless world.
Business is continual,
Those who do not stay plugged in every moment of every day
Feel that they have fallen behind.
There are very few moments when we can simply be calm
And be.
Lord of all things,
Let us find our rest in you.
Let us find our peacefulness in worship
And in your praise.
Help us to unplug ourselves from the
Systems that run this world
So that we can live in your beautiful, precious space.

April 22, 2011

Lord of all,
On this anniversary of the death of Jesus Christ,
Cause us to reflect on our sinfulness.
It was this very sinful nature
That made Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross unavoidable.
But it was only necessary so that we could be at one with you.
Thank you for your work on our behalf,
And help up to realize the places in our lives
Where we need to make changes so that we can be more like the people you want us to be.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Three at a time...

I am posting three prayers at a time...  If you prefer to have one every day, please look at the posts for each day over the next few days instead of the usual one prayer each day.

Love in Christ,

April 21, 2011

In the blink of an eye,
Our entire lives may change.
With very little warning at all,
Our very lives may end.
We are not promised tomorrow,
Or even another minute.
But you, O God, never change.
You are the same throughout all time,
And are not even bound by what we know of as time itself.
We fade away,
You are eternal.
May we live our lives in you,
That we may share eternity with you.

April 20, 2011

We awake each morning,
Seldom giving time to thank you for a new day.
We live and move throughout the day, each day,
Seldom taking even a moment to bless you for our very existence.
We lie down each night,
Often bringing to you only selfish concerns about our own lives or only those close to us,
Seldom remembering the creation that lives around the globe.
Help us to be your people,
Loving all that you love
And giving to all, everywhere.
Cause us to look beyond ourselves
To the good that can be done through Christ’s body throughout the world.

April 19, 2011

It is not enough for us to praise you,
O Lord,
But we must be involved in doing your work in the world.
You call us to love.
You call us to heal.
You call us to bring prosperity to the poor.
We acknowledge your call,
But we seem unable to do anything about it
Unless it is convenient for us.
Help us to be less self-centered,
And more focused on you and your people.
Help us to fulfill your commandments
Whether or not it is a hardship to us.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

April 18, 2011

Beautiful is this world, O Lord.
The trees in the spring
And the newly green grass.
The dew on the flowers,
And the soft rains,
The reawakening of the world
Reminds us of the resurrection of our Lord,
And of the return from death
That we see all around us.
Thank you, Lord God, for your re-birth of the world,
And the re-birth we can receive from you.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

April 17, 2011

Cover us,
O Lord.
Cover us with your wings.
Keep us safe, for the things around us are dangerous and frightening.
When the world strikes us down,
When we have no strength,
Lift us up in your hands, and hold us steady.
And, O Lord, when rains fall and storms come,
Continue to cover us.

April 16, 2011

Where compassion and love are,
O Lord,
You are there.
Where grace and kindness abound,
God of all,
You are there.
Where acceptance and mercy are found,
You will be found also.
Help us to practice these characteristics of you,
So that others can see you shining through us.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 15, 2011

How can we praise you enough, Lord of all?
How can we shout loud enough to tell the world about your love?
You fashioned humans with your word,
And you brought us into life.
You provide for our every need
And you bring us home to you when we leave this earth.
Although we have all gone astray from your will,
You continue to hold us and call us back to you.
Your love is so faithful, and so everlasting that we cannot even comprehend it.
But, we know it is you who has given us life and breath,
And who loans us all the things we need to sustain our lives.
Lord, God, thank you for your awesome love and care for us.

April 14, 2011

Lord of all things,
King of the universe,
Master and provider,
Comfort and healing.
Mother, Father,
Everlasting Grace,
You are called by many names,
And no one name can possibly encompass all the things you are to us.
We are in awe of your power,
And enveloped by your love.
We fear you,
And yet we run to you in our times of need.
Help us to keep our minds focused on you
And how you want us to live our lives,
Because, ultimately, our entire lives are owed to you.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 13, 2011

Lord, God, let today be a good day.
Help me to show kindness to others.
Help me to allow for at least as much imperfection in those around me
As I allow for myself.
Help me to practice love in all my relationships,
And help me to turn my face toward you in praise for the opportunities I have in this life.

Monday, April 11, 2011

April 12, 2011

All our possessions,
What are they in the infinity of the universe?
Even our selves,
What are individuals in light of all the massive vastness of the cosmos?
How can we be what you have called us to be, people of substance,
Except by simply giving away the little we have.
Many may be remembered for their great wealth,
But few will be remembered better
Than for the wealth great or small
That they were willing to give away
For love of others.
May we be ones who give in love.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 11, 2011

Dear God,
Our lives come and go.
Scripture tells us that humans are like grass that withers and fades.
But your love endures for all time.
You see all moments at a glance,
And are somehow unburdened by time.
All we see are the steps forward in seconds,
Days and years.
Maybe this is why we have such trouble trusting you sometimes.
Maybe it is because we cannot see the whole picture,
But lose ourselves in our own moments of grief and sadness,
Often living there for seeming eons.
Lord, help us to give each moment to you
And trust our hurts and joys to you.

April 10, 2011

Why do we feel we have the right to be so glum?
Why do we feel justified in singing the blues?
We have done nothing to cause ourselves to come to being.
Our very source is God.
Let us turn to God in happy and sad times.
Let us participate in the great eternal that God is.
Let us give our love to God and to others,
And perhaps then,
We can find satisfaction.

Friday, April 8, 2011

April 9, 2011

When we remember the Christ, O God,
When we remember the sacrifice you made by sending him into the world,
And the sacrifice he made on behalf of humanity,
We are humbled.
We cannot fathom such wondrous love.
I pray, Lord, that humans may learn from your son, Jesus,
That there is a Godly way to live our lives,
That, although there is a price to pay for justice,
That you paid that price for us through Jesus Christ, if we will only accept his gift,
And that through his resurrection,
Death was defeated for all eternity.
Plant these truths deep into our hearts
That they may bloom and create new blossoms for you.

April 8, 2011

O Lord, you are great in power and mercy and grace.
Help us to live in the middle of the flames of your spirit.
Help us to stay on fire for you that we would love the things you call us to love
And that we would serve all your people.
Help us to have passion for justice and a love for the poor.
Help us to overcome the bonds of greed that we can help others to live
And that we might share our resources to that end.
Help us to fight against those who would take from others
To serve their own wants,
Destroying lives and creating an atmosphere of death.
Help us to assist you in your continual creation of life.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 7, 2011

Don’t let us forget, O God,
How you have redeemed us.
We are a forgetful people,
Often losing focus on the things that really matter.
We chase our tails daily
Looking for things that we cannot find
And running after things that will not satisfy.
Yet you call us to abundant life. Lord, help us to follow you toward that path of life,
Denying the death song that was destroyed through your power.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 6, 2011

Where shall I walk, O Lord?
Where are you sending me?
Sometimes the road ahead seems so foggy
That I cannot even see the next step.
But, O Lord, I trust in you to guide my feet.
I know that you are with me no matter where I go,
And I know that if I stay focused on you,
You will show me,
Even if it is only one step at a time.
Create in me a spirit of remembrance,
That I may never forget you are with me,
Even when I am unsteady…
Maybe especially then.

Monday, April 4, 2011

April 5, 2011

God has given talents to all,
But many bury them in the sand.
Those talents are gifts that are meant to be shared.
They are intended to glorify God, our creator.
Do not allow us to bury our talents in the sand, O God,
But cause us to use them.
When we try to use those talents, O Lord,
Do not allow us to become discouraged,
Even if our first or our many attempts
Are not what we plan them to be.
You give us all things we can use for your edification,
Help us to learn how to do that service for you.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April 4, 2011

We are such a busy people,
Always seeming to find our own haste
More important than others’.
We neglect to take time to worship,
But when we call on God,
We expect immediate results.
The trouble is, when we do not spend time with God,
We do not recognize God’s voice when the answer comes.
Help us, O Lord, to reorganize our priorities
So that we would have a true and close relationship with you.
Help us to remember that there is nothing so important
That it is more important than our time with you,
And help us to come to know you,
So that whether you answer in a whirlwind, a fire, or in the sound of sheer silence,
We will recognize your voice.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 3, 2011

How are we to understand tragedy, O God?
How do we reconcile all the bad things that happen in this world
With the ultimate power you possess?
If we believe that you have all the power,
Then why do these things happen?
If they are not in your control,
Then how do they occur?
It is a mystery that is unsolvable,
But every bit of what we know of you
Affirms that you want good things for humanity.
We trust in you that you will provide
Even when the road is frightening,
And even when the way is darkened.
Sustain us, and remind us that
Although things seem out of control,
You are always more powerful than our storms.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 2, 2011

On days when it feels hard to get out of bed,
Lord, give us strength.
On days when it feels hard to love others,
Lord, sustain us.
On days when it feels hard to walk with you,
Lord, guide us.
On days when we feel that we are all alone,
Lord, give us comfort.
On days when we feel at odds with the world,
Lord, give us peace.
On days when we feel separate from you,
Lord, hold our hands.
On days when we forget that you can provide everything we need,
Lord, remind us that your love and power transcend all human ills.